I am a bad blogger. It has been more than a year since i have blogged ANYTHING. My last blog was about going back to school - I had just registered for my first 4 onlineclasses. Last week I registered for my LAST 4 online classes at Hinds. That was 4 semesters ago and now I am so super psyched about transferring to Mississippi College as a pre-med major. I am so excited and nervous! I will be transferring with 74 hours and will be taking at least that many at MC. I still need Organic Chem 1 and 2, Physics 1 and 2, trigonometry, Calculus, Gross Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Medical Microbiology, Genetics, etc etc etc the list just seems to be neverending. And yet all I can do is take it one semester at a time, one class at a time. I am taking Old Testament, New Testament, Sociology and Medical Terminology over the summer, and looking forward to taking online classes again. :)
OMg girl..I thought you fell off the blogging earth. Uhmp here you are just chilling with my kiddo's best friends when we are in town your kids.
Miss you girl! Happy studying!
Good luck with your major! I am majoring to become a Coroner! I am a senior as an undergrad, I cant wait to start my next chapter of my life!!
Blake, a coroner really? That's awesome! I went back to school because I fell in LOVE with Dr. G Medical Examiner's job! Now that I am in it I am not totally convinced that I don't want to work on the living. . . so I will wait and see. i want to do a pathology rotation first before I really make up my mind that it is the right fit for me. Thanks for checking out my blog and good luck with the next chapter of your life!
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