Our Family at the Rock N Roll Cafe

Our Family at the Rock N Roll Cafe
Graceland, TN

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I am doing great this semester. The two classes that I have already taken finals in (Chem 2 Lab and Bio 2 Lab) I have my final grade, and they are both As. In Statistics I had a test last week, and I got a 99, which means in Stats my test grades are 99, 100, 98, and 96. I only need a 58 on the final to get an A. In Art Appreciation all of my grades are really high as well, and I fully expect to pull out an A in that class. Biology 2 lecture same thing -really high A not so worried about the final.

Chem 2. . . . I had a test in there tonight and i got a B. SOOO down. Last test I made a 99 and I was really hoping for another A to take some of the pressure off of me for finals. Now I have to ace the final to get an A in the class. . . . See y'all next week, mama has some studying to do!!

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