Yesterday Sara came home telling me that she wanted to do the Running Club. Well I have been running a lot (I am running my first 5K on Saturday) so I am pretty sure she came up with this from watching me. And to be honest I was really excited that she wanted to do this because I love the idea of running with my girls!
So today was the first day. The goal for them is to run 2 miles. My kids of course could not do the 2 miles. Ava was in the jogging stroller, Sara ran part of it and Julie chose to walk the 2 miles with her friend Sydney. It was a lot of fun though and I am looking forward to doing this every Wednesday!
Of course I brough my camera along and took pictures! :)

Julie didn't want to cooperate and get into any of my pictures! :(

Julie is trying to run away from my camera!

Me and my sweet friend Jennie, her daughter M and my girls, S and A. No J though, she ran away too fast! ;)