Me and two of my girlies at the zoo back in June.
I have to say I am SOOOO sad for this summer to be over. I miss my girlies when they are in school. Sara has been in school for a few years now and I STILL miss her everyday. And I don't even want to talk about how hard it is for my Juliana to be away from me. She is such an angel.

So the Willis family is getting back into the swing of things. Busy busy busy, of course. I started selling Avon in June, and then started keeping a 5 month old about 2 weeks ago. I have Finley on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Now that Mother's Morning Out is starting up again I will be working on Mondays and Wednesdays as well . .. so that really doesn't leave me any days to just BE. I like the schedule, and I like always knowing that I have something to do, but it is hard juggling sometimes. The nice thing is that I don't have Finley until AFTER I pick Julie up from school on Tues and Thurs, so I still have those mornings with just Ava.
Jimmy is awesome of course. I thank God everyday for my wonderful husband. He works VERY hard, he is in school at Belhaven and has a 4.0 GPA, he takes care of his girlies and loves spending time with them - oh yeah and in the last year he has lost 200 lbs. Pretty awesome guy. So he's busy with all of that, and in his free time he is doing Fantasy Football.
Anyway, that's what's going on in the Willis house. . . . check back for updates!